La Distance Entre Nosotros

Director, Co-Producer
Hong Kong, Mexico

When the pandemic broke out, we started to have social distance between people. People started to have different emotions - lonely, depress, powerless. Some great people scarified for the others for saving life.This is a big moment in the histroy, Yukko wants to use theatre to memorize all these moments and use an interative theatre to make the child more enjoyable.

So, she collaborated with the Mexican artists to use movement and music to bring the audiences in a jorney.


In the super full moon day, a girl opened Lunana, released all the desires and sins. Therefore, Hehebo became a mess. Omi saw his friends and family suffering from pain, he doesn't want to wait but take action for saving them.

Omi started the adventure with M and Ari to find medicine, but there are lots of monsters stopping them. Can they find the solution and come back to Hehebo safely? How much do they need to sacrify for returning a peaceful planet?

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